Until Her: A Mafia Romance Novel (A King Family Series Book 3) Page 2
“Will the server have its own firewall and backup power supply?” he asks.
“Yeah, Boss. Elias will work with the tech team to set the system up when he gets back,” Mason answers.
He takes the time to go over the numbers. Yes, he’s good with the numbers too. Thank God because the other Kings don’t give a shit about their bottom line. Derrick does what he does to stay on top. Chase, though he has a good head for business, really could care less about their bottom line. He’s more of the spoiled middle child here. Rory would give away their house to some poor schmuck with a sob story if someone didn’t stop him. And Stella? Her fucking shoe closet can feed an entire village…for a decade.
He wouldn’t change any of them though.
He glances across the desk at the framed pictures. Derrick was never the sentimental type before but Stella tends to have her way with him anyway. He gives a quick scoff at their last family Christmas photo with everyone and their matching pajamas. Yeah, he succumbed and went along with it…again. He didn’t really mind but he wouldn’t admit it to another soul. Not even Derrick.
He lets out a loud sigh when he zeroes in on his cousin’s face in the photo. Carter left with his love, Emilia Ivanov, and her family to Russia. It’s worrisome because things within the Ivanov’s organization are still tumultuous. However, Carter is where he wants to be with the woman he loves. Who is he to put a stick in that?
He rubs his eyes with his fingers and pinches the bridge of his nose when he picks up the black file folder. He can’t put this file off any longer. It’s the shared file between the Kings, Cael McCullen, and Ben Gaston. It’s the file folder sharing responsibility for the events that happened a few months ago.
Bills need to be paid. Cops need their kids’ tuition paid. Hospitals need anonymous donations to make sure their filing systems glitched. It’s all fucking hush money. Everything becomes a blur while he peruses the names, the pictures, and the information in front of him. It’s all part of the life.
“Boss,” Mason calls for his attention.
He looks up without saying a word but simply quirking a single brow.
“Don Mazzilli is on the phone,” Mason says with unease. This surprises him because, during his mundane business of signing off on shit, he didn’t even hear the phone ring.
“What? Did you tell him that Derrick and Stella are on their honeymoon?” he asks.
Mason nods and brings the phone over to him anyway.
Chapter Two
“Let’s get this over with,” Derrick says as the two of them walk side by side down the steps of their private jet.
“Sorry to cut the honeymoon short,” he tells his brother.
“I’ll make it up to her,” Derrick replies. “This whole thing is stressing her out. She thinks it’s her price to pay and doesn’t understand why we’re called to the carpet without the Don speaking to her first.”
“Which means—” he begins to say.
“That she’s probably not going to like what this is about. It’s probably going to affect us directly and I don’t like that either,” Derrick says his thoughts aloud. “This is the other fucking shoe dropping.”
He’s relieved the call finally came. At least now, they can handle whatever the fuck this is and get past it. Because for the past few months since Stella’s hit on one of The Five, making way for Dominic Mazzilli to become the new Don of the East Coast famiglias, they’ve all been worried about this.
He and Derrick stand tall when they make it to the squad of blacked-out SUVs. Don Mazzilli must have sent them to transport everyone. Rory, Chase, and Stella haven’t made a peep from behind them.
“Kings,” Crazy Lou greets them. “Welcome back.”
Frankie and Silvio, two more of Dom’s men, step up and open car doors for them to step into the vehicles.
“No,” Stella says, stopping everyone from getting into any of the cars.
“Boss? Something wrong?” Silvio questions her.
“I’ll drive my Kings. Lou, you can lead the way. Silvio, you go ride with Frankie,” she orders.
He takes a chance and glances at Derrick only to see the clenching of his twin’s jaw. Stella’s being extra careful and she’s right to be. They should all be. Being separated is the last thing they should all be doing.
Stella doesn’t wait for anyone to say anything but walks up to the driver's side of the SUV and Silvio steps out of the way for her without further question.
“Stell, you think someone might pull a fast one?” Rory asks from the back seat while they follow Crazy Lou’s car out of the hangar.
“Better safe than sorry,” Stella says. “Right now, I don’t know what Dom has in mind. I don’t like it. I don’t like not knowing especially since this is my doing.”
“Stellina, whatever it is, we’ll deal with it,” Derrick tells his wife.
Derrick is sitting in the seat next to him, right behind Stella, with Chase sitting in the front passenger seat.
This silent seating arrangement was made as if they all worked on auto-pilot. Normally, Carter and Chase would be up in the front. One of the two would be driving. They are the family’s enforcers. He and Derrick are always in the middle because they lead the family and are to be protected. Rory and whichever of their lieutenants with them would bring up the rear.
But Carter’s in Moscow. And Stella is driving. So, this is as close as they are going to get.
Why would it matter?
Because this is how the Italian famiglias work.
Every position, every movement, every formation has a significant meaning. You wanna show them that you’re a functioning and successful crime family? Then you better learn how to keep up appearances.
To him, it’s merely a dog and pony show. He can care less where who stands or sits so long his family comes out on top. All this other stuff is old fashion and the young ones coming up or trying to make a come-up nowadays can give two shits about formalities.
“Looks like we’re going straight into the lion’s den,” he tells everyone when they approach the gates of Dominic Mazzilli’s private estate.
The guards don’t stop them with Crazy Lou’s vehicle leading. They cruise down the driveway that parts the immaculate lush green lawn just as the sun is setting in the backdrop.
Leo greets them at the end of the driveway, personally opening the door for Derrick first and then Stella’s driver's side door.
Silvio opens the door for him and he steps out, buttoning his suit jacket before making his way to stand next to Derrick.
They all follow Lou and Leo inside the small castle. It’s fit for a Don. Everything is perfectly in place but the décor is nothing like the Godfather movies. It’s the complete opposite with expensive marble and contemporary modern furniture in every room and hallway they encounter. It’s light and airy. Not quite warm but not quite the sterile hospital feel either.
Lou leads everyone into a study of sorts. It’s large. Larger than even their own office at home and that says a shit ton.
Dominic isn’t sitting alone inside this office. Across the large desk sits Matteo Romano. He’s wasn’t an underboss under the East Coast Don until release. Matteo, however, was consigliere to two different underbosses with the Midwest famiglias. That’s an unheard-of feat in this industry. And now, with the unexpected passing of his brother, Don Pietro Romano, Matteo Romano has stepped up as head of the Romano Family as well, relocating him here.
The Romanos are a small family, smaller than his own in numbers. But they come from generations of service to The Five. They’re highly respected within the organization but he isn’t sure about their bankroll. Pietro Romano didn’t make the best of business decisions when he stepped in as head of the Romano Family.
“Kings,” Dom greets them. “Have a seat.” Dom gestures to the empty seats around the room.
The Don’s demeanor is different from the last time the man was at their house. That was only a few months ago. This is business. Serious bus
iness. Only a few moments were given for proper introductions before everyone takes their seat.
“Mrs. King,” Dom says to stop Stella, his granddaughter, from taking a seat. “Perhaps you can help my wife, Lilliana, in the kitchen. She’s been fussing with a pizzaiola recipe and I hear you are quite the chef.”
Stella looks like she is about to object but he sees Derrick’s hard glare at his wife. Whatever this is, Dominic didn’t want her to know. Yet, at least. In other words, she’s not going to have a say in any of this.
“Ah, Mrs. King, you are Italian?” Matteo asks giving her a once over from head to toe.
“I am,” Stella answers with a smile of her own.
It’s amazing how Stella has perfected the mask in just a few short years.
“Silvio. Frankie. Please help Mrs. King find her way to Lilliana,” Dominic orders. It was definitely an order. And Stella knows that too.
She takes a glance around the room hoping for an objection. One last glance at Derrick then to him and then Rory and Chase before she leaves the room with not an ounce of emotion. Once the door closes, it’s all business.
“I hear your family is looking to make ties,” Matteo immediately swings. “You come highly recommended by the Don himself.”
“Depends on what binds the ties,” Derrick replies coolly, playing along since none of them know what the fuck is going on here.
“From what I know of your family,” Matteo starts. “You are or were four bachelors. You’ve been in the business for a long time which means you’re comfortable. Either you don’t have aspirations to get into the big leagues or you haven’t been given the opportunity.”
Something settles in the pit of his stomach. Something like a cinder block. He’s not liking where this is going. Fuck the big leagues. That’s not something they have ever strived for. They each have enough to last them over ten lifetimes playing in the field they’ve been playing.
“King,” Matteo says and points to Derrick. “You are head of the family?”
“For intents and purposes,” Derrick nods. “But we’re all Kings. We’re all heads of this family.”
“And Mrs. King? Who does she belong too?” Matteo asks.
“My wife belongs to no one. She’s a member of the family,” Derrick retorts.
Matteo flinches a fraction at Derrick’s snap.
“What Matteo is trying to present to you is an opportunity that we once discussed,” Dom says from his seat.
When the fuck said discussion happened is beyond anyone else other than the Don though.
“With the passing of his brother, Matteo is left with the well-being of his niece and nephew, Isabella and Cristian Romano. Isabella is unmarried at her age and Matteo is only but one man and worries about her safety.”
And it’s like the words switch on the vacuum in the room. All air is sucked out.
Oh, NO. The moment of fucking truth. FUCK NO!
A fucking arrangement. A. Fucking. Arrangement.
This is how deals are made and how The Five bring others into the circle. This is how businesses and fortunes are passed from one generation to the next without giving up control to outside organizations. This is the only way to get into the said circle if you’re not Italian nor born into the famiglias.
IF they had wanted to get in this circle, this wouldn’t be a fucking issue.
His jaws clench, teeth-gritting. He sees the tick of Derrick’s fingers and knows that his twin is coming to the same conclusion. He slowly turns and assesses his younger brothers too. Rory is sitting rigid and Chase looks like he’s about to vomit whatever he’s eaten the past week.
“Your suggestion?” Derrick asks without an ounce of emotion. His brother plays the part well. Derrick always has.
“Isabella and Cristian are opening Olympus, a high-clientele club of sorts,” Matteo continues. “Olympus is currently being built on the outskirts of Philly, where I believe your family can keep both the business and my niece safe. I believe at least one of you will take an interest to her for a practical union, allowing her to remain in that territory unharmed.”
And expanding Romanos’ business into theirs, he thinks to himself.
A percentage of their empire would be controlled by The Five. They’d be working for Bosses again, doing the work while someone else reaps a portion of their blood and sweat.
“In return, you will be brought into the circle. A union with Isabella can pave the way,” Dom says.
He can hear the underlying meaning in the Don’s words. This is the consequence of Stella’s doing. Bringing them into the circle can put her at a higher risk of exposure but it keeps Stella at arms-length to the Don at the same time. Don Mazzilli must be salivating over this.
Fuck! Why did it have to be this?
“Since there are three of you remaining bachelors, I think it’s a good idea for you all to meet her before a decision is made,” Matteo says completely ignorant to the tension in the room.
“Matteo, go on ahead and have your niece ready. The Kings will have dinner here and then meet you at your place of choice.”
With that dismissal from the Don himself, Matteo didn’t have a choice but to get up and leave.
Dom waits for Leo to return to the office before the pretenses drop and the man exhales. Not a second later, Stella barges in with Lilliana trailing on her heels.
“NO!” she wails at Dom. “Absolutely not!”
“Stellina, this is a small price to pay,” Dom tells her with a much too calm demeanor. “Your whole family will be brought under our protection. No King will ever be bothered again. Including you and Rian.”
“But this is MY doing! You can’t make them pay for my choices!” Stella screams.
He hasn’t said a word. He didn’t know what to say. What words are needed?
In the pit of his stomach, he already knew this is going to fall on his shoulders. There’s no way he can let Chase or Rory take this fall. Rory won’t survive a loveless marriage and Chase will get shot dead being an unfaithful husband or drown in the misery of being a husband.
“Stellina, this was the deal. I call, you answer. You have no further say,” Dominic says, waving his hand with finality. “YOU have given up the one thing that I granted you. Your safety in anonymity. You exposed yourself and you stepped into this business FOR THEM. YOUR KINGS! I could have forced you to come home,” Dom says harshly, jamming his finger onto the top of the desk to make his point clear. “But I did not! Now it’s their turn to show me that they can keep you safe!”
Because Kings have catastrophically failed at the task multiple times. He can hear Dom’s insinuation loud and clear from where he stands.
“Why does it have to be this?” Stella asks.
With all pretenses dropped, Derrick stands and walks over to comfort his wife.
“Stellina,” Lilliana speaks. “Don Vitali originally made a similar arrangement with the Romanos and his grandnephew. But with his passing and your grandfather stepping in instead, Lorenzo Vitali no longer has to uphold to that arrangement.”
“I don’t understand,” Stella says.
“Even without his granduncle, Lorenzo Vitali still ranks high up in the organization. He has the option of declining now. The man doesn’t need to get hitched to anyone to hold his spot in the organization,” he informs Stella.
“Adam is right,” Lilliana confirms.
“And if I don’t do right by the Romanos, Matteo might move to another of The Five. The move will bring questions and concerns about my leadership. I cannot have any unnecessary focus on me right now and you know why. Matteo Romano has too many ears to whisper into,” Dom tells everyone.
“I’ve thought about this many times over,” Dom continues. “It doesn’t bring me joy but this will solve many issues. Issues from the past and any issues that may come in the future. It brings you close to home but not too close to suspicion. Out of respect for my late friend, Micky Vitali, I won’t force Lorenzo.”
“Give it a c
hance,” Lilliana says and looks around the room. “Isabella might be a good match for one of you. She’s thirty-seven years old. She knows her place and she’s familiar with this life. She and her brother have been friends with Nico for a long time.”
“Nonna, this is a lifetime sentence,” Stella says before turning and facing Dominic. “This isn’t fair to any of them.”
“We’ll give you all a moment to discuss this. But this isn’t me asking a favor, Stellina. This is your family paying a price for your decisions. If they are the family worthy of your loyalty, then let them prove it,” Dominic says and gets out of his seat, leaving the room with Lilliana behind him.
Once the door closes, Stella’s eyes drop to the expensive flooring.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I-I’m…there’s nothing I can say. I don’t know how to make this right.”
“We’ll figure something out,” Derrick tries to console her.
“How?” he asks his twin. “Because for the life of me, I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this.”
He didn’t have to say it out loud to rub it in that Stella…that they all had been fools not to consider that Don Dominic Mazzilli wouldn’t use Stella’s choice as a bargaining chip to bring his only grandchild and great-grandson closer to home. He should have seen it coming the moment Mazzilli held little Rian King.
“Adam, I’m-I—”
“Stella, I know. But it doesn’t change the fact that we’re in this now,” he barks at her. He didn’t mean to sound like that but fuck this mess!
“So,” Chase, the circus clown that he is, starts up. “Are we going to draw straws or what?”
“Stop being a dick,” Derrick growls at Chase.
“Easy for you to say. You’re not getting forced into something you have no want or need of,” Chase barks back. “Ro, you like your women older. Maybe you should take one for the team.”
“This isn’t the time to fuck around,” Rory responds much calmer than he expected. “I think maybe we should at least go and meet the woman first. Then take it from there.”